Photo Gallery of Mirabeau's Ancestors

Mascarpone (sire)

German Warmblood / Zweibruecker,
born 1995, Cremello, 16.2 hh

A brilliantly well put together young stallion of the modern type.
Quite apart from his rare color and the guarantee of unusually colored foals he has three outstanding paces, showing a tremendous amount of elasticity. Over a fence MASCARPONE is demonstrating superb technique, bascule and scope.

Mirabelle (dam)

German Warmblood / ZfDP
born 1995, Palomino, 16.2 hh
by Metallic Dream - Senussi - Imker - Taifun
daughter of Isis

Mirabelle and Mirabeau in July/2000

Mega-Star (grandsire, topline)

born 1992, Palomino, 17.2 hh
by Morgengold I (RPS) out of Pandora (RPS)
approved for Warmblood with Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar in 1994
Photo: Bild-Report Wagner
SOLD to Saarland

Morgengold I (great-grandsire, topline)

born 1989, Palomino, 16.1 hh
by Malteser Gold (Hessen) out of Isabella (Hessen)
approved for Warmblood with Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar in 1991
Photo: Sigrid Jäckel
SOLD to Ireland

Metallic Dream (grandsire, bottomline)

born 1992, Palomino, 16 hh
by Malteser Gold (Hessen) out of Wembley (Hessen)
approved for Palomino-Hunter with ZfDP in 1995
Photo: Julia Rau
SOLD to Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar

Malteser Gold (great-grandsire, bottomline)

16.2, Dark Palomino
A proven sire, MALTESER GOLD combines the very best of sportshorse- pedigrees with his noble yet extravagant coloring. His sire MARDUC is widely considered to be one of the most important Trakehner stallions of today, and has justified this view by consistently producing Championship sons and daughters as well as Dressage horses to S (4th) level. MARDUC himself proved himself capable of combining stud-duties with his own career in the Dressage Arena.

Wembley (great-granddam, top & bottomline )

German Warmblood / Hessen
born 1985, Palomino, 16.1 hh
by Wilderer (Hann.) - Granat (Hann.) - Dalmand
daughter of Fortuna

Panachée  (granddam, topline)

(VPrSt), German Warmblood / RPSI
born 1990, Palomino, 16.1 hh
by Philippo (Hann.) - Wilderer (Hann.) - Granat (Hann.) - Dalmand
daughter of Wembley

Fortuna  (great-great-grandam, topline)

German Warmblood / Bayern
born 1978, Palomino, 16.1 hh
by Granat (Grande) - Dalmand - Allami men

Isis  (granddam, bottomline)

Isis, German Warmblood / Hessen
born 1977, Palomino, 16.3 hh
by Senussi (Hann.) -Imker (Ilmengrund) - Taifun (Trak.)

Isabella   (great-great-granddam, topline)

German Warmblood / Hessen
born 1974, Palomino, 17.1 hh
by Magister (Trak.) - Imker (Ilmengrund/Trak.) - Taifun (Trak.)


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